messages["conversion_failed"] = "Setting conversion parameter failed.\nPlease try again.";
messages["sorting_failed"] = "Sorting did fail.\nPlease try again.";
messages["select_search_field"] = "Please select at least one field to be searched.";
messages["category"] = "the Category";
messages["saved_query"] = "the Saved Query";
messages["for"] = "for";
messages["loading"] = "Loading...";
messages["no_records"] = "No Records Found";
messages["close_window"] = "Close Window";
messages["collection_saved"] = "Your collection has been saved successfully.";
messages["collection_not_saved"] = "Your collection could not be saved.\nPlease try again.";
messages["collection_sent"] = "Your collection has been sent successfully.";
messages["collection_not_sent"] = "Your collection could not be sent.\nPlease try again.";
messages["really_delete_collection"] = "Do you really want to delete this collection?";
messages["add_more_records"] = "You are trying to add more than [0] records.\nPlease remove some records and try again.";
messages["print_more_records"] = "You are trying to print more than [0] records.\nPlease remove some records and try again.";
messages["remove_from_lightbox"] = "Remove From Collection";
messages["remove_from_basket"] = "Remove From Basket";
messages["add_to_lightbox"] = "Add To Collection";
messages["add_to_basket"] = "Add To Basket";
messages["leaving_page_ie"] = "You are now leaving this page. Please always use the tabs to navigate the site.\nIf you clicked the Reload, Back- or Forward-Button of your browser, you may have to\nlog off/on if the web application is not responding.";
messages["leaving_page_confirm"] = "You are attempting to leave this page. Please always use the tabs to navigate the site.\nIf you clicked the Reload, Back- or Forward-Button of your browser, you may have to\nlog off/on if the web application is not responding. Are you sure you want to exit this page?";
messages["select_field_first"] = "Please select a field first!";
messages["display_all"] = "Display all.";
messages["cancel"] = "Cancel";
messages["close"] = "Close";
messages["canceled"] = "Download Canceled";
messages["failed"] = "[0] failed";
messages["finished"] = "Finished [0]";
messages["prepared"] = "Prepared [0]";
messages["prepared with errors"] = "Prepared [0] with errors";
messages["preparing"] = "Preparing [0]";
messages["transferring"] = "Transferring [0]";
messages["printTitle"] = "Print";
messages["fill_in_collection_name"] = "Please fill in a name for the collection";
messages["overwrite_collection"] = "There is already a collection with this name.\nDo you want to overwrite it?";
messages["fill_in_email"] = "Please fill in your email address.";
messages["fill_in_valid_email"] = "Please fill in a valid email address.";
messages["fill_in_cc_number"] = "Please fill in your credit card number.";
messages["fill_in_valid_cc_number"] = "Please fill in a valid credit card number.";
messages["fill_in_expiration_date"] = "Please fill in the expiration date.";
messages["fill_in_valid_expiraton_date"] = "Please fill in a valid expiration date.";
messages["error.video_comment.fill_start"] = "Please set the start time!";
messages["error.video_comment.fill_valid_start"] = "Please set a valid start and end time (the end time must be after the start time)!";
messages["error.video_comment.fill_comment"] = "Please type in your comment!";
messages["warning"] = "Warning";
messages["warning.session_about_to_expire"] = "Your session will expire soon.
Please click [0]here[1] to avoid being logged out.";
messages["warning.session_expire_in_minutes"] = "Your session will expire in [0] minutes.";
messages["details.video_comments.choose_chapter"] = "Please Choose a Chapter";
messages["creditcardTitle"] = "Credit Card Payment";
messages["advanced_search"] = "Advanced Search";
messages["setup.settings_loading_failed"] = "The settings could not be loaded!";
messages["setup.save_check.textfield_alert"] = "Please enter a value into the [0] text field first!";
messages["setup.settings_saved"] = "Settings saved successfully.";
messages["setup.save_message"] = "In order for changes to take effect please log out.";
messages["setup.settings_saving_failed"] = "Failed to save settings! Please try again.";
messages["setup.leaving_page_save_settings_confirm"] = "You have changed some of the settings without saving. Do you really want to quit this page?";
messages["setup.save_check.listing_alert"] = "Please add at least one value for the [0] setting! Settings have not been saved.";
messages["setup.save_check.settings_group_alert"] = "Please choose a value for the [0] setting! Settings have not been saved.";
messages["setup.leaving_page_save_settings_confirm"] = "You have changed some of the settings without saving. Do you really want to quit this page?";
messages["title.login"] = "Login";
messages["title.select_catalog"] = "Select Catalog";
messages["title.search_result"] = "Search Results";
messages[""] = "Download";
messages["title.details"] = "Info";
messages["title.setup"] = "Setup";
messages["preview.zooma.full_page"] = "Toggle fullscreen mode";
messages["preview.zooma.home"] = "Reset";
messages["preview.zooma.zoom_in"] = "Zoom in";
messages["preview.zooma.zoom_out"] = "Zoom out";
messages["preview.zooma.use_mouse"] = "(you can also use your mouse's scroll wheel)";
messages["lightbox.new_lightbox.title"] = "Add records to a collection";
messages["lightbox.want_to_overwrite"] = "There is already a collection with this name.\nDo you want to overwrite it?";
messages["thumbnailview.no_lightbox"] = "n/a";
messages["save_collection.collection_info"] = "Collection Info";
messages["error.collection_not_deleted"] = "Your collection could not be deleted.\nPlease try again.";
messages["click_to_edit"] = "Click to edit";
messages["calendar.open_calendar"] = "Open Calendar";
messages[""] = "Today";
messages["calendar.months.january"] = "January";
messages["calendar.months.february"] = "February";
messages["calendar.months.march"] = "March";
messages["calendar.months.april"] = "April";
messages["calendar.months.may"] = "May";
messages["calendar.months.june"] = "June";
messages["calendar.months.july"] = "July";
messages["calendar.months.august"] = "August";
messages["calendar.months.september"] = "September";
messages["calendar.months.october"] = "October";
messages["calendar.months.november"] = "November";
messages["calendar.months.december"] = "December";
messages["calendar.months.january_short"] = "Jan";
messages["calendar.months.february_short"] = "Feb";
messages["calendar.months.march_short"] = "Mar";
messages["calendar.months.april_short"] = "Apr";
messages["calendar.months.may_short"] = "May";
messages["calendar.months.june_short"] = "Jun";
messages["calendar.months.july_short"] = "Jul";
messages["calendar.months.august_short"] = "Aug";
messages["calendar.months.september_short"] = "Sep";
messages["calendar.months.october_short"] = "Oct";
messages["calendar.months.november_short"] = "Nov";
messages["calendar.months.december_short"] = "Dec";
messages["calendar.days.monday"] = "Monday";
messages["calendar.days.tuesday"] = "Tuesday";
messages["calendar.days.wednesday"] = "Wednesday";
messages["calendar.days.thursday"] = "Thursday";
messages["calendar.days.friday"] = "Friday";
messages["calendar.days.saturday"] = "Saturday";
messages["calendar.days.sunday"] = "Sunday";
messages["calendar.days.monday_short"] = "Mon";
messages["calendar.days.tuesday_short"] = "Tue";
messages["calendar.days.wednesday_short"] = "Wed";
messages["calendar.days.thursday_short"] = "Thu";
messages["calendar.days.friday_short"] = "Fri";
messages["calendar.days.saturday_short"] = "Sat";
messages["calendar.days.sunday_short"] = "Sun";
messages["calendar.days.monday_shorter"] = "M";
messages["calendar.days.tuesday_shorter"] = "T";
messages["calendar.days.wednesday_shorter"] = "W";
messages["calendar.days.thursday_shorter"] = "T";
messages["calendar.days.friday_shorter"] = "F";
messages["calendar.days.saturday_shorter"] = "S";
messages["calendar.days.sunday_shorter"] = "S";
messages["calendar.error.invalid_date"] = "Please enter a valid date (e.g. 05/31/2000)!";
messages["calendar.error.invalid_day"] = "Please enter a valid day!";
messages["calendar.error.invalid_month"] = "Please enter a valid month!";
messages["calendar.error.invalid_year"] = "Please enter a valid 4 digit year between [0] and [1]!";
messages["calendar.error.invalid_dateformat"] = "The date format should be : MM/dd/yyyy!";
messages["calendar.error.only_future_days_allowed"] = "Please enter today's date or a date in the future!";
messages["calendar.error.only_future_days_allowed_excluding_today"] = "Please enter a date in the future!";
messages["calendar.error.dates_must_be_different"] = "Please enter two different dates!";
messages["calendar.error.wrong_date_difference"] = "Please make sure that the second date is set to at least [1] day(s) after the first date!";
messages["upload.batch_upload"] = "File Upload";
messages["upload.batch_upload.title"] = "File Upload";
messages["upload.html_upload.remove"] = "Remove";
messages["upload.html_upload.processing_files"] = "Uploading files:";
messages["upload.html_upload.cataloging_files"] = "Cataloging files...";
messages["upload.duplicates.decision.skip.success"] = "Successfully skipped record!";
messages["upload.duplicates.decision.skip.failed"] = "Failed to skip record! Please try again.";
messages["upload.duplicates.decision.overwrite.confirm"] = "Overwriting will delete all duplicate records from this catalog. Do you really want to overwrite?";
messages["upload.duplicates.decision.overwrite.success"] = "Successfully overwritten duplicate records!";
messages["upload.duplicates.decision.overwrite.failed"] = "Failed to overwrite at least one of the duplicate records! Please try again.";
messages["upload.leaving_upload_page_confirm"] = "You are attempting to leave this page without having decided for all duplicates found during the upload how they should be handled.\nAll such uploaded files will be deleted again from the catalog.\n\nAre you sure you want to exit this page?";
messages["upload.error.catalog_selection_page"] = "Failed to load catalog selection page for file upload!";
messages["upload.error.prepare_upload_page"] = "Failed to load file upload page!";
messages["upload.error.add_files_page"] = "Failed to load upload applet page!";
messages["upload.error.no_catalog_chosen"] = "Please choose a catalog for the file upload!";
messages["upload.error.no_rootcategory_chosen"] = "Please select a top level category!";
messages["upload.error.no_subcategory_chosen"] = "Please select a subcategory!";
messages["upload.error.no_new_category_entered"] = "Please enter a name for the new subcategory!";
messages["upload.error.no_category_chosen"] = "Please assign at least one category!";
messages["upload.error.no_value_entered"] = "Please enter a value for the mandatory field [0] first!";
messages["upload.error.no_number_entered"] = "Please enter a valid number (e.g. 123) for the field [0] first!";
messages["upload.error.no_float_entered"] = "Please enter a valid float (e.g. 1000.25) for the field [0] first! ";
messages["upload.error.dirty_categories_form"] = "The left side of your category assignment form contains unsaved changes\!\\r\\nProceed anyway?";
messages["upload.error.no_file_chosen"] = "Please select at least one file to upload!";
messages["upload.error.not_file_input_element"] = "The element to be inserted is not a file input element!";
messages["upload.error.too_many_files"] = "You are trying to upload more than [0] files ([1] files).\\nPlease remove some files and try again.";
messages["upload.category_assign.chosen_categories_explanation"] = "Your selected categories will be listed here...";
messages["upload.category_assign.parent_category_invalid"] = "The 'Main Upload Category Path' setting is invalid! Please contact your administrator.";
messages["upload.subcategory"] = "Subcategory";
messages["upload.new_category"] = "--New Subcategory--";
messages["upload.category_new_name"] = "Name:";
messages["upload.category_remove"] = "Remove";
messages["upload.html5.status.queued"] = "Queued";
messages["upload.html5.status.uploading"] = "Uploading";
messages["upload.html5.status.waiting_to_be_cataloged"] = "Waiting to be cataloged";
messages["upload.html5.status.cataloging"] = "Cataloging";
messages["upload.html5.status.failed"] = "Failed";
messages["upload.html5.status.cataloged"] = "Cataloged";
messages["delete"] = "Delete";
messages["upload.html_upload.remove"] = "Remove";
messages["upload.html5.error.too_many_files"] = "Please upload only up to [0] files at a time.";
messages["upload.html5.error.too_many_bytes"] = "Please upload only up to [0] at a time.";
messages["upload.html5.error.invalid_file_name"] = "File [0] is not allowed.";
messages["batchedit.title.saving_values"] = "Saving Values";
messages["batchedit.title.deleting_records"] = "Deleting Records";
messages["batchedit.title.edit_categories"] = "Edit Categories";
messages["batchedit.multiple_values_message"] = "Multiple Values...";
messages["title.edit_details"] = "Edit Details";
messages["title.edit_all"] = "Edit All Records";
messages["title.delete"] = "Delete Record";
messages["title.delete_all"] = "Delete All Records";
messages["confirm.delete"] = "Really Delete This Record?";
messages["confirm.delete_all"] = "Really Delete All These Records?";
messages["add_to_batchedit"]= "Add To Batch Edit";
messages["remove_from_batchedit"] = "Remove From Batch Edit";
messages["changes_not_saved"] = "Your changes have not been saved yet!\r\nProceed anyway?";
messages["batchedit.canceled"] = "Saving Canceled";
messages["batchedit.failed"] = "Saving failed";
messages["batchedit.finished"] = "Saving Finished";
messages["batchedit.prepared"] = "Saving Prepared";
messages["batchedit.prepared with errors"] = "Saving Prepared with errors";
messages["batchedit.preparing"] = "Preparing Saving...";
messages["batchedit.transferring"] = "Saving...";
messages["batchedit.saving.successful"] = "Changes saved.";
messages["batchedit.reset.successful"] = "Form has been reset.";
messages["batchedit.error.load_details_info_tab_failed"] = "Failed to load the Details tab!";
messages["batchedit.error.load_details_edit_tab_failed"] = "Failed to load the Edit tab!";
messages["batchedit.error.load_batch_edit_page_failed"] = "Failed to load the Batch Edit page!";
messages["batchedit.error.saving_failed"] = "Failed to save changes! Please try again.";
messages["batchedit.error.prepared_with_some_errors"] = "Not all records could be edited!";
messages["delete.canceled"] = "Deleting Canceled";
messages["delete.failed"] = "Deleting failed";
messages["delete.finished"] = "Deleting Finished";
messages["delete.prepared"] = "Deleting Prepared";
messages["delete.prepared with errors"] = "Deleting Prepared with errors";
messages["delete.preparing"] = "Preparing Deleting...";
messages["delete.transferring"] = "Deleting...";
messages["send_collection.send_to"] = "Send To";
messages["send_collection.subject"] = "Subject";
messages["error.send.fill_out_field"] = "Please fill out the '[0]' field!";
messages["error.send.wrong_email_syntax"] = "Please provide a valid email address for the '[0]' field!";
messages["error.select_catalog.at_least_one_catalog"] = "Please select at least one catalog!";
messages["warning.setup.settings.depending_value"] = "This setting does depend on another setting ([0]) which has also been changed. Without resetting the other value by clicking on 'inherit' the current setting might not be reverted back correctly.\n\nDo you still want to proceed?";
messages["question.lightbox.remove_all"] = "Are you sure you want to permanently remove all records from this collection?";
messages["thumbnailview.watermark_setup"] = "Watermark Setup";
messages["really_delete_watermark_setting"] = "Do you really want to delete this watermark setting?";
messages["tag_cloud.title"] = "Tag Cloud";
messages["tag_cloud.loading_failed"] = "Loading of Tag Cloud failed!";
messages["password_encryption_failed"] = "Invalid encryption key!";
messages["thumbnailview.send_upload_collection"] = "Send Upload Collection";
messages["send_upload_collection.title"] = "Send Upload Collection";
messages["send_upload_collection.really_resend_collection"] = "Do you really want to resend this upload collection to all recipients?";
messages["send_upload_collection.collection_sent"] = "Your upload collection has been created and sent successfully.";
messages["send_upload_collection.collection_resent"] = "Your upload collection has been resent successfully.";
messages["send_upload_collection.error.catalog_selection_page"] = "Failed to load catalog selection page for sending an upload collection!";
messages["send_upload_collection.error.prepare_upload_page"] = "Failed to load send upload collection page!";
messages["send_upload_collection.error.no_catalog_chosen"] = "Please choose a catalog for sending an upload collection!";
messages["send_upload_collection.error.collection_not_created"] = "Your upload collection could not be created.
Please try again.";
messages["send_upload_collection.error.collection_not_sent"] = "Your upload collection has been created, but could not be sent.
Please try to send it again on the 'Collections' tab.";
messages["send_upload_collection.error.collection_not_resent"] = "Failed to resend your upload collection!";